Balanced Columns and Includes


in the "Report designers guide" on page 15 the Balanced Columns are described. Now my ?Blocks? are in sub reports included into the main report. I tried to add a master area around the includes and/or also put one into the sub reports but I do not get the desired result. So my question is, it possible to use balanced columns in combination with includes or is there another way to achieve the same result.

Thanks, Hannes

Currently includes are not balanced: Balanced columns only apply to cells you insert directly.

This is due to how an include works: Includes are not like a C include, but more like a module itself, which is run outside the main report and then included once it is filled with the data. This makes it sa little complex to balance, but I am investigating on how it could be done.

If I find a solution I will update this post.

Hi Adrian

Thanks for your response.

I think I have a prototype that should be working better with included reports. I am not sure it will cover all cases but it should cover most. If you want to test it, please send me an email to mentioning your registration email so I can send you this version.

Thanks, mail is out.

I don't seem to have gotten the mail, I have looked in spam too and I can see it. Can you resend it?

Done, plus cc to

I hope it works

The second one arrived. We are finishing the build process, I'll send you an email in about 30 minutes when it is over.
