Bad system call & TMSFMXNativeUITableView1

Hi !

Question :

When i place a TMSFMXNativeUITableView1 to my project, the app fails to
show on my iPad. I get the following error :

"Bad system call (SIGSYS)".

When i remove the Tableview from the project, everything works flawless.

I did place the Tableview in the root of the form.

Anyone a clue what might cause this ?

(My project uses Firemonkey and the TMS native controls)

When i load & run the "overview demo", the demo works fine.



Did you only place a Tableview on the form or did you also place several other components?

The documentation mentions that there is currently a limitation on the number of different classes that can be used simultaneously in a iOS device project. The good news is that we have a fix for this and that we are allowed to distribute it so if this is the case the next version should have this problem fixed.

Kind Regards, 

Hi Pieter,

My project uses Firemonkey controls combined with the NativeUITableView (and other native components)
on the form.

Any idea when the next version with that fix is available ?




The next version with the patch will be released this week if there are no hickups during development or distribution process.

Kind Regards, 

Hi Pieter,

Thanks for the info.

