Avoid focus in TIWSmoothLabel


   I have a IWForm for user login with:
    - 1 TIWSmoothLabel 
    - 1 TIWAdvImage
    - 2 TIWEdit (user and pass)
    - 1 TIWButton 

   Form open and "user IWEdit" is focused.
   But using the Tab, the focus jumps to "TIWSmoothLabel", and Tab again jumps to "TIWAdvImage".

   I don't see propierties in TIWSmoothLabel  or TIWAdvImage to avoid to get focus.

   How can I avoid it?

Kind regards

This issue has now been fixed.

The TIWSmoothLabel has been updated so that it can't receive focus anymore.
The TIWAdvImage has been updated so that it can only receive focus when it's OnClick or OnAsyncClick events are assigned. 

The update will be available with the next release of the TMS IW Component Pack.

Ok, thanks