AutoCreate Columns

Hello everyone
I have this big problem after upgrading from version to version of tDbAdvGrid
to simulate my problem is easy. If you create a project and put a grid version and link to datasource and remove some columns saving the project and close...after reopening the project the columns removed does not reappear.
On contrary in version such behavior change.. and the colums that I removed reappear.
Such changed cause me a very big problem because i have about 70 forms with grid.
Have you the same problem?

Please contact us by email, we have today investigated this and have most likely found a fix. We can send a test version so you can check if this also addresses this problem in your application.

I have similar problems with AutoCreate columns

Many of my grids now show an incomplete set of columns , different from those at design time

The default setting for autocreate (after an upgrade to the latest version) is ON , it should be OFF 

What does the option actually do ?

Can it be changed by code before the grids are created , otherwise I have over 100 grids to check.


Please contact us by email, we have today investigated this and have most likely found a fix. We can send a test version so you can check if this also addresses this problem in your application.

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