AureliusDataset2:Filed 'app.Nombre' cannot be a calculated or lookup field'

Hello!, I doing a CRUD operations from DBGRID, but have a problem:


My Entity Class is:

FId: integer;

[Column('nombre', [TColumnProp.Required], 64)]
Fnombre: string;

[Column('estado', [TColumnProp.Required], 1)]
Festado: string;

[Column('icono', [TColumnProp.Required])]
Ficono: byte;

[Column('firma', [TColumnProp.Required,TColumnProp.Unique], 32)]
Ffirma: Nullable<string>;

Fapp: Tapps;

property Id: integer read FId write FId;
property Nombre:string read Fnombre write Fnombre;
property Estado:string read Festado write Festado;
property Icono:byte read Ficono write Ficono;
property Firma: Nullable read Ffirma write Ffirma;
property app: Tapps read Fapp write Fapp;

FId: integer;

[Column('nombre', [TColumnProp.Required], 64)]
Fnombre: string;

[Column('estado', [TColumnProp.Required], 1)]
Festado: string;

[Column('tipo', [], 3)]
Ftipo: Nullable<string>;

[Column('autor', [], 32)]
Fautor: Nullable<string>;

[Column('firma', [TColumnProp.Required,TColumnProp.Unique], 32)]
Ffirma: Nullable<string>;

property Id: integer read FId write FId;
property Nombre:string read Fnombre write Fnombre;
property Estado:string read Festado write Festado;
property Tipo: Nullable read Ftipo write Ftipo;
property Autor: Nullable read Fautor write Fautor;
property Firma: Nullable read Ffirma write Ffirma;

I created a new column on TAureliusDataset: app.Nombre and have a lookupcombobox with apps Records.

Please help me or send me an example.
Thank you.

If you are creating a lookup field, you don't need to use dots in the field name. That is not supported. A regular data field named app.Nombre will work fine to show the Nombre property of the app object.

Here is more information about lookup fields in Aurelius Dataset: Data Binding - TAureliusDataset | TMS Aurelius documentation

Thank you very much, Wagner.

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