Aurelius.Drivers.ElevateDB Not Compiling

Hi there!

I have yesterday got a new license of ElevateDB version 2.17 build 1.

I have installed it on my Xe5 up 2 and tried to compile with my current project with Aurelius;

I got the following problem:

Aurelius.Drivers.ElevateDB(112): Undeclared Identifier 'TEDBString'

This line:
    Parameter := FEDBQuery.ParamByName(TEDBString(P.ParamName));


I could not find on the documentation of the product, but according to the answer I got in their forum the TEDBString was used in early versions due a separation of Unicode/Ansi, and that does not exist anymore and that type got removed also.

I have changed the line to:

    Parameter := FEDBQuery.ParamByName(P.ParamName);

And worked.

Yes, you can remove the reference to TEDBString. This incompatibility happened in latest versions of ElevateDB. We have already changed Aurelius code here and it will be fixed in next release.