I played a little bit with your components.
I tried to add a TTMSFNCBloxUMLClassBlock programatically. That works like the example in the documentation.
If i add attributes they are always invisible. Did a way exists to display these attributes?
c:= TTMSFNCBloxUMLClassBlock.Create;
c.ShowAttributes := True;
c.UMLClassName := 'Testclass';
c.Restrictions := [];
c.Left := x;
c.Top := y;
for i := 0 to attributeList.count-1 do
attribute := c.Attributes.Add;
attribute_str := SplitString(attributeList[i],';;');
attribute.Name := attribute_str[0];
attribute.TypeName := attribute_str[1];
s :=attribute_str[2];
if s = 'public' then
attribute.Visibility := uvPublic else
if s = 'protected' then
attribute.Visibility := uvProtected else
attribute.Visibility := uvPrivate;
attribute.InitialValue := attribute_str[3];