(async) show ctButton only for active row

Hi! i have a column of type "ctButton" with a "OPEN" button which open a nwe form.

i should show it only for the active record.

i found this code on your demo:

procedure ....listaGetCellType(Sender: TObject; RowIndex,
  ColumnIndex: Integer; var AColumnType: TTIWColumnType;
  var Editor: TTIWColumnEditor; var DynEditor: TTIWDynEditType);
  if ColumnIndex = 5 then begin
       if RowIndex = GRID.Row  then AColumnType :=  ctButton
                                else AColumnType :=  ctNormal ;


but it doesn't wotk with asyncactiverowMove=true ; 

there's any way to do this?
thanks :)

Unfortunately it's currently not supported to use the OnGetCellType event in combination with async updates.

This functionality is on our feature-request list and we'll investigate if this can be implemented in a future version.