Apply style support for TTMSFMXGrid in the *.style

Can someone provide a simple guide on how to add support for the TTMSFMXGrid in these files?

Best regards


It is unclear what exactly you are trying to accomplish? Do you mean the style files for the different application styles defined in FMX?

Kind Regards, 
Scheldeman Pieter

Hi Pieter.

I see that this was somewhat unclear.

In order to change the style for the application I use   TStyleManager.SetStyle(TStyleManager.LoadFromFile('C:\Temp\; However Delphi XE3 ships with a number of predefined styles (C:\Users\Public\Documents\RAD Studio\10.0\Styles -,, and so on). 

How do I add styling for the TMSFMXGrid into these files?



Dear Mr. Petter,

You need to copy the contents of the and paste it on a Form, Then make modifications on the appearance on the various elements and copy the complete layout from the Form file (by viewing it as text) and then paste it in the You will need to repeat the process for each style in the Rad Studio styles folder.

Kind Regards, 
Scheldeman Pieter

WHat exactly do you mean by: "You need to copy the contents of the and paste it on a Form" ?


Open the file included in the installation directory and copy the contents of that file in a new project, on the form. (As you would copy a button).

This will allow you to customize the appearance of the elements used in the grid. Afterwards, copy the content of the form file by viewing it in text mode and place it inside the correct style file located in the Rad Studio Styles directory.

When applying the style, and the grid is on the form, the grid will automatically take on the new style.

Kind Regards, 
Scheldeman Pieter