App Method 1.16 Install

Well done on providing new versions for XE8 so quickly.

However, none of the packages for TMS Component Studio automatically install for AppMethod. It is detected as XE8 but when installing reports that it cannot install as it is the trial version of XE8. The Embarcadero Licence Manager however shows that my version of AppMethod is not a trial version.

I can install them manually ok but other firemonkey components such as UniDAC have installed with no issue.



Currently we do not support AppMethod.

Kind Regards, 

Hi Pieter,

Any idea when you plan on doing so?


As soon as there is some critical mass.

Fair comment!

Hi there,

I was just planning to ask this question, I see it was already answered. 
But ... how exactly are you measuring the critical mass? Number of AppMethod licences sold by Embarcadero? How far are they from 'critical mass' today?
I am asking because I was planning to assemble a small team (two people) but I would only have the budget (and the need) for AppMethod for Windows. As I understand, no TMS love for me :-(