
Hi All!

I'm testing the AdvSignatureCapture Demo to use it in one of my applications and it looks good, but when saving signature to file, it saves also the X and the sign here text. Also when loading signature from a file throws a out of memory error or sets the canvas black.
I would like to save the signature to a MS-SQL or Oracle table and later retrieve it to a FastReport page.
Any ideas I could use?
Best Regards
Francisco Alvarado

Also, What device for signature capture do you use? It's very difficult to draw a decent signature with the mouse or pad from my Laptop!

Francisco Alvarado

We've fixed the issue with having the clear marker & text in the signature. The next update will address this.

To draw the signature in a more convenient way, you might consider a touch pen.

Thank you Bruno. I'm using this temporary patch:

    bmp.Width := Width;
    bmp.Height := Height - 100;
    rectangle := Rect(0, 0, Width, Height - 100);
but loading fromfile is not working
procedure TForm4.bPngClick(Sender: TObject);
  if Sender = bPng then
    AdvSignatureCapture1.LoadFromFile('C:\Projects\Test\Signature.png');   // black canvas and out of memory error
  if Sender = bBmp then
    AdvSignatureCapture1.LoadFromFile('C:\Projects\Test\Signature.bmp');   // black canvas
  if Sender = bJpg then
    AdvSignatureCapture1.LoadFromFile('C:\Projects\Test\Signature.jpg');   // black canvas

AdvSignatureCapture.LoadFromFile() does not load a signature from an image file. The signature is saved as a series of draw points and AdvSignatureCapture.LoadFromFile() loads this series of draw points. If you want to display the signature as an image at a later time, please use a TImage for example.