AdvRichEditorPDFIO and images


I'm trying to save an AdvRichEditor to PDF, with AdvRichEditorPDFIO.
It works well, but if there are big images in the AdvRichEditor , these images are truncated in the PDF, so they will not appear completly.
Is there any solution to fix the dimensions of images inserted in the AdvRichEditor: an option in the AdvRichEditorPDFIO, an option/event in the AdvRichEditorFormatToolbar, or anything else? 

Thanks in advance.


The rich editor is converted to HTML before running through the PDF engine. Are the images original size inserted or do they have a specific width/height resized into the rich editor? An possible solution is to resize the image to there size before including them in the rich editor.

The images are inserted as orignal. I would be glad to be able to rezise them automaticaly but I don't find an event "after inserting an image" with the TAdvRichEditorFormatToolBar.