AdvQuickAccessToolbar/ ActionManager: interaction?

Hi there,
when using Embarcadero Delphi's component "TRibbonQuickAccessToolbar", it can be connected to the ActionManager for easy configuration of buttons. At run-time, it also provides a way to customize the QuickAccessToolbar with a dialog similar to the design-time ActionManager window, where the user can drag&drop actions to the QuickAccessToolbar (see below).

I couldn't find anything equivalent with your TAdvQuickAccessToolbar (used together with a TAdvToolBarPager). Perhaps you can give me a hint on how to provide this functionality in my software?

Hello?? Is it a stupid or unjust question? Or is there perhaps a limit of questions per months?
Generally, I would expect a similar range of functionality for TMS components that serve as replacement for the standard Delphi components, after all they are called "advanced". I couldn't find any hint neither in your documentation nor somewhere else in the web. I am currently stuck with this issue:-(

I'm sorry, but I simply lacked the time to follow-up this question as past days have been hectic.

There is currently not out of the box implementation of this. The TAdvQuickAccessToolbar can have a customize button (enabled with ShowCustomizeOption = true) and clicking this button triggers OnCustomizeClick from where you can execute the customization implementation you want. There is nothing predefined at this time although we'll look to have the TAdvToolBarCustomizer dialog (that is the dialog for docking toolbars customization) also work with the QAT in a future update.