AdvMessageBox ContentRegion focus


When using a content region on a message box, there is no way to specify which control receives focus when the box is displayed. It defaults to the default button. For data entry, it would be great to control where the cursor begins. This would be a useful feature for your list.
I have implemented it using the following code if this is helpful.
.RenderHTML modified as follows:

    if Assigned(FMLFocusControl)
      then html := html + HTMLName + 'ContentFocusControl="'+FMLFocusControl.HTMLName+'";'#13
      else html := html + HTMLName + 'ContentFocusControl="";'#13;
//existing code
  html := html
    + 'function ' + HTMLName + 'Focus(){'#13
    + '  input = document.getElementById("' + HTMLName + 'Input1");'#13
    + '  if ((input) && (' + HTMLName + 'DefaultValue == ""))'#13
    + '    input.focus();'#13
    + '  else {'#13
    + '    el = document.getElementById("' + HTMLName + 'b' + IntToStr(DefaultButton) + '");'#13
    + '    if (el){'#13
    + '      el.focus();'#13
    + '    }else{'#13
    + '      document.getElementById("' + HTMLName + 'Dialog").focus();'#13
    + '    }'#13
    + '  }'#13
    + '  if ('+HTMLName + 'ContentRegionID != "") {'#13
    + '      if ('+HTMLName + 'ContentFocusControl != "") {FindElem('+HTMLName + 'ContentFocusControl).select();}'#13
    + '  }'#13 //ML!!
.RenderAsync modified as follows
    if Assigned(FMLFocusControl)
      then js := js + HTMLName + 'ContentFocusControl="'+FMLFocusControl.HTMLName+'";'#13
      else js := js + HTMLName + 'ContentFocusControl="";'#13;
//existing code
    if ShowDialog then
      js := js + HTMLName + 'Show();'#13;
      js := js + HTMLName + 'RePosition();'#13;
//ML!!      js := js + HTMLName + 'Focus();'#13;
    js := js + HTMLName + 'InitAsync();'#13;
    if ShowDialog then
      js := js + HTMLName + 'Focus();'#13;
    js := js

Thank you for your suggestion.
I'll investigate if its possible to implement this feature in a future version of the IWAdvMessageDialog.