Advmemo search "previous" problem

Place a advmemno, an advfinddialog and an advmemofinddialog on a form. 
Connect the advmemofinddialog to the advfinddialog and the advmemo. 
Place a button on the form with Advmemofinddialog1.execute in its handler.
Add the following text to the memo: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Run the program.
Position the cursor at beginning of the memo.
Click the button.
Set the search direction to UP
Position the cursor in the middle of the string of "1"s
Search for: 1
Click Previous

RESULT: Cursor moves to the left rather the to the right.
The previous button should move the cursor left when the search direction is down and move it to the right when the search direction is up.

We traced & solved this issue. The next update will address this.