AdvMemo export to PDF?

I have not found this information in the documentation or FAQ here.  How do I export the lines to a PDF document?

In the PDF document for TAdvMemo, the first paragraph of page 23 is undecipherable:
- the active line changedstartedstarted and allows for dynamic customization of this list needed, allows for dynamic customization of parameter hints.when a occurred a k occuredneeds to be and allows for custom drawing on the gutter.neededneeded ., allowing to dynamically alter the line background...

Page 33 is a template that has no information:
custom stylers
navigation options in memo
An example on how to do this in program code can be found in the samples paragraph.
An example on how to do this in program code can be found in the samples paragraph.

OK, I see that I have to attach it to the ADVMemoPDFIO component.

Yes, attach memo to TAdvMemoPDFIO and call its Save() method.