AdvGridWorkbook row / column sizing

Delphi XE7 Pro, current AdvGridWorkbook (March 31 2015 release)..

What is the correct method to resize the worksheets in a workbook?

I added a spinedit to allow users to select the font size they wanted with the OnChange event setting these properties:

  AGWB.Grid.Font.Size := AdvSpinEdit1.Value;
  AGWB.Grid.AutoSizeRows(true);        // I do not see this setting in the object inspector
  AGWB.Grid.AutoSizeColumns(true);   // I do not see this setting in the object inspector

The effects don't take effect until the grid is populated, and then only on the active sheet.  When the users changes to another sheet, they can get it to work by making a change to the spinedit value.

I am looking for the best way to

1) make the grid resize the rows even if not populated
2) affect all sheets 

Thank you for your insights.
  1. All actions executed on Workbook.Grid always apply to the active grid
    2) When the cell has no values, AutoSizeRows() has no effect. When you'd want to change the height nevertheless, use Workbook.Grid.DefaultRowHeight