AdvDockPanel height

Despite the inability of the AdvDockPanel / AdvToolBar to use VCL Style colours, I would still prefer to use the AdvDockPanel / AdvToolBar for my button bar. However I have come across another oddity with the DockPanel. 

When used with the ToolBars as a direct replacement for an 'old fashioned' button bar (buttons about 22 high with no caption), the DockPanel always puts one 'blank row' below the bottom ToolBar. Is there some way to turn off this behaviour so that the DockPanel is just the height required to hold the number of rows of ToolBars?

What are  you doing different from our classic Office 2003 toolbar demo with TAdDockPanel where the height of the dockpanel matches exactly one row of toolbars?

Bruno Fierens2020-03-14 10:32:21

Hi Bruno,

I put a new DockPanel on the form and cut&pasted the ToolBars to it then deleted the old DockPanel - and it now works as it should. Sorry for wasting your time (again).
I did compare the .dfm files from before and after and there was no obvious difference between the 2 DockPanels.

OK, good to know it works now.