AdvDBLookupComboBox DropSizeable

Good day,

with DropSizeable set to true I get a thick border like an ordinary window border around the dropdown area and also no sizegrip. Is it intended to look like that or how can I make it borderless with sizegrip?

Version is on W7 64Bit.


Horst Spierling

The sizegrip appears in the bottom right corner when there is both a horiz. & vert. scrollbar.

Sorry, just to clear things, with DropSizeable=true the border looks like an ordinary windows border:

When I set DropSizeable= false the border is a thin 1 px line.

Another thing I noticed: I have only 1 column in the dropdown. If the field of the datasource contains a null value the dropdown button is disabled and I cannot select a lookup value.

You are right the sizegrip does appear with horiz. & vert. scrollbar. The other issue remains.

if you refer to "sizeable window border" as the other issue, this is by design. When the dropdown is sizeable, it has a sizeable window border.

>>if you refer to "sizeable window border" as the other issue
no, I am referring to the way the border looks when it is sizeable. It changes from 1 pixels width to appr. 6 pixel widths. I tried to attach screen shot but it is deleted from post.

The other issue is:
If the field of the datasource contains a null value the dropdown button is disabled and I cannot select a lookup value.

Ok here is how the border looks like when I set DropSizeable=true :

I expected it to remain flat style. But perhaps thats how it should look like by design.

As I explained, when sizeable, it shows a standard form sizeable border.

Ok, I understand.

Still have the following problem:
>>If the field of the datasource contains a null value the dropdown button is disabled and I cannot select a lookup value

Strange thing: if I add a standard DBlookupComboBox to the form with same DB-Settings and just click on it's dropdown button then the dropdown button of the advDBLookupComboBox gets enabled and I can select a value from there.

This only happens when the value of the dataset connected to by DataField contains a NULL value

I'm not sure I understand what sense it makes to connect TAdvDBLookupComboBox to a datasource with a null dataset? TAdvDBLookupComboBox performs internally checks whether an active dataset is connected via a datasource and when not, it sets itself disabled.

Whats's wrong in having records with having null in a field that I want to assign a value from a lookup table? The standard DBLookubComboBox can handle this without problems.

You referred to an unassigned dataset, that is different from an unassigned value in a DB field.

>>the value of the dataset connected to by DataField contains a NULL value
Of course 'value' means the field value of the dataset. How else could that make sense? I'm not trying to assign a field value to a null record ;-)