Hi, is it possible to resize the Apply filter, Clear Filter and Restore Filter buttons in a AdvDBFilterPanel?
The font size is very small, I have seen that I can make it grow if I modify the font size of his parent control, but then the text comes out of the button.
On the other hand, I have done tests putting a TZReadOnlyQuery of a DataModule as a datasource of the AdvDBFilterPanel and when destroying the DataModule, it gives me an error: 'Cannot open a dataset when the componentstate is dsDestroying'. It is as if the AdvDBFilterPanel will try to open the query. I have solved it by resetting the filter before closing the Form, which destroys the DataModule before closing.
You can access the buttons with:
AdvDBFilterPanel.Footer*Button: TButton properties and customize font & size from there.
We have applied an improvement for handling destroying the datamodule. Next update will have this improvement.
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I got it, it gave me problems because I was doing tests linking fields like BLOB SUB_TYPE 0 and BLOB SUB_TYPE 1 with values inserted from a cell and / or from a TDBAdvRichEditor that got corrupted and produced errors.
As you told me, the correct combination is:
- BLOB type field (SUB_TYPE = 0, by default in firebird).
- TAdvRichEditor linked with DBAdvRichEditorRTFIO.
- Column in the TDBAdvGrid for the BLOB field with editor = EdRichEdit.
This is how it works, the RTF text is saved by the TAdvRichEditor and it is displayed correctly in the TDBAdvGrid.
** I have had the same problem as with the filter, when destroying the DataModule, an error occurs as the TDBAdvRichEditor tries to reference the DataSet (which no longer exists) in TDBAdvRichEditorRTFIO.EditModified:
procedure TDBAdvRichEditorRTFIO.EditModified (Sender: TObject);
if (FModifying) then
if not (FDataLink.DataSet.State in [dsEdit, dsInsert]) then //here gives the error since DataSet = nil
I have fixed it by modifying the first line:
if (FModifying) or (FDataLink.DataSet = nil) then ...
** While writing the answer it occurred to me to try this:
in the FormClose, and thus the error does not occur (if I do it the other way around:
procedure TProyectosF.FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction);
DBAdvRichEditorRTFIO1.Free; //if i do this first --> #error
yes it gives the error)
With this I don't need to add ...or (FDataLink.DataSet = nil)... to your code.
Thanks a lot.
We added this improvement.
It will be included in the next update.
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