AdvColumnGrid edDateEdit Struggle


Thank you for any help provided.

Have a AdvColumnGrid with 9 columns.  Column 3 has the editor set to edDateEdit.   I have set FormatSettings.ShortDateFormat = "MM/dd/yyyy";. I have set MyGrid->DateTimePicker->Format = "MM/dd/yyyy";.

All works fine when I have Windows Region and Language set to the Format "English (United States) with a short date at M/d/yyyy.  When I change the Format to English (Jamaica) with a short date format of dd/MM/yyyy I have troubles with the date functioning as it should.

What happens is quite odd.  If there is a date in the column of 05/01/2017 and you click into the field it is changed to 01/05/2017.  If you click out to another cell and then click back on the date a second time it changes it back to 05/01/2017.  This date change repeats as you click in and out of the cell.

Any ideas as to what I am doing wrong?

Thank you,
Chad Oleson

We could see this issue and have applied a fix for it that will be included in the next update

Hello Bruno,

Thank you for the correction.

Can you point me toward resources on how to update just this corrected component?   I am running version of the component pack.  I am hoping to avoid updating the entire component pack at this time based on my development cycle and the need of the client who found this issue.

Any help would be appreciated.


Best we can do is send an incremental source update. However, I'm not sure how many other files that depend on this might need to be updated as well. So, it could end up being quite a bit of work in trying to find this out. 


Thank you for the answer...   I thought that might be the case.   We will figure out a way to apply the full component pack update.
