Thank you for any help provided.
Have a AdvColumnGrid with 9 columns. Column 3 has the editor set to edDateEdit. I have set FormatSettings.ShortDateFormat = "MM/dd/yyyy";. I have set MyGrid->DateTimePicker->Format = "MM/dd/yyyy";.
All works fine when I have Windows Region and Language set to the Format "English (United States) with a short date at M/d/yyyy. When I change the Format to English (Jamaica) with a short date format of dd/MM/yyyy I have troubles with the date functioning as it should.
What happens is quite odd. If there is a date in the column of 05/01/2017 and you click into the field it is changed to 01/05/2017. If you click out to another cell and then click back on the date a second time it changes it back to 05/01/2017. This date change repeats as you click in and out of the cell.
Any ideas as to what I am doing wrong?
Thank you,
Chad Oleson