Adapter "UniDac" cannot create IDBConnection

So I try to use an AureliusConnection within a dynamically loaded bpl (through LoadPackage).

When I try to initialize the Aurelius connection, I get the error 
  Adapter "UniDac" cannot create IDBConnection
While debugging I saw that the adapter was registered properly (in uppercase) in FAdapters and is found, the fail occurs in 
Aurelius.Comp.Connection :
  function TAureliusConnection.GetAdapterFactory: TAureliusAdapterFactory;
    Result := Adapter.AdapterFactory;
    if Result = nil then
      raise EAureliusConnectionException.CreateFmt('Adapter "%s" cannot create IDBConnection', [Adapter.Name]);

When I step into Adapter.Adapterfactory I see that the adapter is found and assigned yto the result, but then result gets nil as sson as I step out of the Adapter.AdapterFactory and therefore fails.

I didn't see this behavior when I ran it inside an exe.

Any ideas ?

I think I found the problem. The installer did not remove an old 2017 directory of Aurelius and found this code first. Now the adapterfactory for unidac is registered correctly and returned.

There went 2 hours of my life :P