Win 8.1 again...


Just installed The Component Pack for XE5 on Win 8.1, no errors.
It seems the installer not only asks for elevated rights (I'm not admin on my PC), but then it (partly?) installs the component pack for the Admin-account, not for my account.

All files are in the correct folder, but no TMS on the palette, no TMS in the installed packages list.

Looking at the registry via Command: no TMS files under Known Packages.
Looking at the registry via Command as Administrator: TMS entries under Known Packages.

I had a similar issue installing IBObjects this morning. Either the installer has a problem or it's a Win 8.1 issue, I cannot tell.

Should I install manually?


Did you use the default install folder?

If so, no elevation will be required. Please DO NOT install under \Program Files, this is not a folder where source code should be installed under.
If a problem persists, please contact us by email and provide us with the generated .LOG File (in \My Documents) so we can check what exactly happened on your machine.

ok, email sent