Unsupported stream format with last update

Hello Pieter,

I found this section in FastReport in file frxSVGGraphic: TPicture.RegisterFileFormat('SVG', 'Scalable Vector Graphics', TfrxSVGGraphic);

Could this cause this issue ?

The initialization - section in FNC Core file VCL.TMSFNCTypes does in new version check IfGraphicClassRegistered('.svg'), while the old version did not.

So if FastReport registers first, FNC does not call his register method anymore.

Regards, Tom

Well, we actually applied this check because we wanted it to co exist with TMS VCL UI Pack but indeed, when another third party application register SVG then unfortunately we cannot do anything about that. There was once the same issue with Skia and they fixed it, so I assume that there is an issue with the stream loading and checks in FastReports as well. Only one class can be registered but the implementation should be friendly to other third party registrations and it seems that this is not the case with FastReport and our SVG data. You could comment the check if svg is already registered in the VCL.TMSFNCTypes unit so it overrides that of FastReport and we’ll see what we can do about it

I have fastreport installed me too and I can confirm that when commenting the IfGraphicClassRegistered('.svg'), the error disappears

Hello Dimitris,
you commented this line in VCL.TMSFNCTypes.pas and then ?
I'm not familiar how to change things in installed components the right way. Did you uninstall/reinstall products then, which of them ? Are there any manual installations of packages needed afterwards ?
Could you please tell me the steps needed ?

Thanks/Regards, Tom

I use the installer to install it but I always select in the installer to compile them manual and I am following the instructions in the text file it is opened after the installation. In such a way, with every modification in their source, I just build and install the packages and I am finished.

And which one did you re-install manually after this change in this file ?
FNC Core or FNC UI Pack, others ?

just FNC UI pack in this case, but...
I have created a project group that has all FNC's projects to be built and installed after every update, so usually I just rebuilt them all

As I can see now, FNC core should be rebuilt too....
But this causes troubles...
I followed the following way to allow me to work but I am not sure it is the correct:
I uncommented the line to build and install the core, and then I commented the line to compile and install all the following components

Hello Dimitris,

thanks a lot - it went perfectly fine by just commenting the line and re-installing FNC Core manually then. The error on FNCComboBox is gone and also the same error message that came up when using FNCRestClientEditor in VCL has gone.

Have a nice weekend !
Regards, Tom

to be honest I did the opposite but just for compiling and install it manually, but without saving the file with the commented line. But it works for the moment

Thanks for the feedback guys! I will open investigation and look for a permanent fix

We have investigated this here and applied a workaround/fix. Next version of the TMS FNC Core & TMS VCL UI Pack will address this. If you have both, you'll need to update both at the same time. The update will be release later this week.

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