TWebHTMLAnchor documentation typo and keeping an anchor tag's innerHTML

Reading through the TMS Web Core Documentation PDF shipped with TMS Web Core, I guess that the TWebHTMLAnchor's property
HTML: THTMLText on page 213
should actually be
Caption: string.

Furthermore, I want to keep the innerHTML of an anchor tag as specified in the .html file when using the TWebHTMLAnchor component. But if I set a TWebHTMLAnchor's Caption to empty string (even programmatically), the innerHTML will be 'WebHTMLAnchor'. I therefore propose to set Caption to empty string in WEBLib.WebCtrls.THTMLAnchor.CreateInitialize.

You're correct about the doc mistake. We fixed this. Next release will have this updated.

The Caption value is considered the data for the label and data is driven from the Delphi object

Ok, but it would be nice to somehow get access to the label of the anchor tag in the HTML file, e.g. by a DefaultCaption property assigned right before assigning the caption 'WebHTMLAnchor'. I think there might be scenarios where it's better/more convenient/required to customize a label/text in a template HTML file than in code.

Not sure how we can match that with the model. We'll reflect on it.

Any news about this point? Note, that if the innerHTML of an anchor tag in the HTML template defines, e.g. an icon, I would set the TWebHTMLAnchor Caption to an empty string to preserve the icon. But at the moment, the icon is overwritten by the TWebHTMLAnchor component. We now patched the unit WEBLib.WebCtrls, though patching is not the preferrable solution.

If we change this functionality, it will break code of other users and it also breaks the pattern that caption is considered data of the control and data is pushed from lthe control to the HTML element.

Then, I would suggest a new property like KeepHTMLCaption which defaults to false to not break existing code.

We will consider this