TwebClientDataSet and TwebClientConnection

I have a TwebClientDataSet and I want to iterate over the rows and refresh data using the TwebClientConnection (conNaehrwerte) via a REST API.

This is the code:

  while not cdsZutaten.eof do begin
    sLcd := cdsZutaten.FieldByName('lebensmittelcd').AsString;
    sHcd := cdsZutaten.FieldByName('herkunftcd').AsString;
    set_conNaehrwerte(sLcd, sHcd);

procedure set_conNaehrwerte(const aLcd, aHcd: string);
 conNaehrwerte.Active := False;
  conNaehrwerte.URI := ...'';
  conNaehrwerte.AfterConnect := add_Nutrients;
  conNaehrwerte.Active := True;

The add_nutrients is called only once after the last row has been fetched. How do I force this to be executed in sync?

TIA Bernd

Setting Active = true is an async operation.
Next TMS WEB Core version will have the Open function returning a promise to await for.