TTIWDBAdvWebGrid ctDynEdit & ctDynText columns

I have a grid with the following column:
  0. Image
  1. Description
  2. Points
  3. Cost
  4. Retail
  5. Qty (ctDynEdit, deUnsigned)
  6. Cost Ext. (ctDynText, deText)

I would like column 6 to equal cost x qty, but no matter what I do with the Column[6].DynEditor it displays Nan.00 in every row.  What do I have set wrong, or what else do I need to change?  Is there an event I need to use?  Do I have to set the DataField property?


If you get Nan, that means that your formula for the calculation is incorrect.

Please see the whitepaper
on page 6 that shows a working example of dyn edits with automatic calculation.

I did not see that on Page 6.  I had not sen that document before.  I had been following the Grid Developer's Guide, specifically, page 11.  I was confused by the following text "A formula expression can be written using the
variables C1, C2, ..., Cn, where Cx is the variable holding the value of the cell in column x.".  Are the colum references within formulas zero based?  The example seems to imply so, but the instructions do not.

Are those cell references case-sensitive? Is "c1" the same as "C1"?  I have seen both used.

I found the problem after some experimentation.  I had Grid.ShowFooter=false, and Column[6].FooterType=ftText.  When I changed Column[6].FooterType to ftNone the formula was calculated.

I also experimented with the case of the Formula value.  I found that the property IS case-sensitive, and that using lower case letters causes the page to lock when you load it.

I believe I am 1 build behind.  I can reproduce both conditions in this build.