I am using a TTIWMultiColumnComboBox for selection of different documents (invoices, orders aso). I use 4 columns (document type, document id, date, value). When selecting an item I want to show ALL column values in the text (f.e. "Order 1401 07/12/12 5.200,-" but only the document type ("Order") is shown. I tried to set it manually using OnAsyncClick, OnAsyncMouseUp, OnAsyncChange, OnChange but only the document type is shown.
Is there any way to show all column values in the text field after selectin an item?
Thx in advance
This behavior is by design.
Unfortunately it's currently only supported to display the value from the first column of the selected row in the edit field.
However this is a good suggestion and we'll consider to add functionality to display values from multiple columns in a future version.