TEdit-type input box with "items" in it.

I did all these steps but I cannot see an issue here. Caret always appears.

What happens if you change the font size?

No change. Still same issue:

Can you test what happens when you set AutoSize = false?

No change - same issue...

If you want, you can connect to my home PC via TeamViewer and see what's going on...

Can you check that if you look in the code for

FEdit.Height :=

and change this to add for example +4 for these assignments to see if this changes anything?

Did you do anything special with default font size on your Windows OS?

It becomes weird :slight_smile: (no visible change with +4, but this with +10):

I don't have any special setting on any of the PCs that I have tested it on (and your compilation seems to work fine, so I don't think it's the OS that's the cause - it must be a compilation difference, since your compilation of the exact same source works on my PC, but my own doesn't. And the only logical difference I can come up with is compiler options).

You're compiling your version to Win32 Debug, right?

Yes, Win32 debug, otherwise, all default compiler options

Have you tried with my .optset file? I don't use default compiler options, so you should load the .optset file to ensure you have the same options as I do.

Have you tried with default options in the first place?

I don't know what those options are, as I have never used them. That's why I supplied my .optset file which was an export of my options, and supplied the main source file with a full listing of all the options.

I forced compile with your optset and it works as expected here.

I'm at a loss at this point to explain the issue... All I can see is that there is an issue :slight_smile:

I can probably hack my way out of it by sending messages/events to the control :slight_smile:

Let's move on for now... (see next message)

How about my other questions:

In LookupNeedData event, I Assign my own list to the "List : TStrings" parameter and return an ItemIndex based on my own custom search. However, my list isn't sorted alphabetically (it's sorted by priority as in "most likely to be what you're looking for"), so when the program returns from the event, and you immedialtely afterwards do an

FLookupListBox.Sorted := True;

then my returned ItemIndex (and priority-sort) becomes wrong. You shouldn't enforce a sort, but perhaps do a manual sort before calling the event, and then accept whatever is in the list afterwards.

When I select an item in the popup list, it stays focused (in the inline edit box), so I have to press <ENTER> twice (first in the popup list, and then on the focused item in the edit box) in order to input the next item. This should be unnecessary (or at least configurable - sorry if it already is :-) )

I am experiencing the same issue and just encountered this very thread while looking for it in the forum.
For me it is also very easily reproducable:

I take a completely new project, simply put a TAdvListEditor on the form, leave it just as it is with its single default value and run it.
When I now click behind the already existing value, there is no text cursor visible even though the component has focus. Only when I start to type something, the text cursor becomes visible.
I can now delete what I have written and the text cursor will remain visible.
I can also hit return to turn what I have written into a new value and the text cursor will still be visible.
I can even focus another control and when I return focus to the AdvListEditor the text cursor will be visible again.
Should I however at any point select an existing value item, the text cursor will disappear permanently again until I start typing something again.

There are no tricks, no special options etc, it is just an untouched empty project with an untouched component fresh from the designer.

I cannot reproduce this.
It must most likely depend on

  • Delphi version
  • Monitor DPI
  • Default font