TDBPlanner SideBarPosition = spTop

Such an annoying affair.
If you change from another position to the position spTop, the text of caption remains visible.
If the Previuos / Next button is used, the text is cleared.

More details will be needed, like whether this DBPlanner is configured as multiresource Planner and if so, the header text is automatically picked up from the resource.

I don't use more resources. I don't use resources at all.

Dňa 15.2.2021 o 14:56 Bruno Fierens via TMS Support Center napísal(a):

I fill the Caption.Text[] programmatically.

If you set the caption programmatically, it will not remove this caption automatically when just changing orientation.

All right. I can handle that. Interestingly, it disappears when you press the Previous / Next button.