TAdvStringGrid sorting with nodes and childrows


I'm would like to use the standard sorting capabilities of the TAdvStringGrid by enabling the "show" and "full" properties in the sortsettings of the grid. As long as there has no node and childrow been added (independent wether the node is expanded or contracted) the sorting by clicking on the up/down arrows in the rowheader is working as expected - the arrows are changing up/down and the rows are sorted. However as soon as there is one node and childrow added the sorting stopps working - only the arrows are changing up/down.
Is there a way to sort rows with nodes and childrows and further more can the childrows be ignored for sorting ?

Best regards,


Did you add the nodes via grouping or separately via code? When you use grouping, it should automatically perform a group sort.

Dear Bruno,

I'm not using grouping - I 'm just adding a node with the AddNode procedure...

It will do the sorting within node ranges. Trying to sort outside node ranges could imply undesired node moving.

This means that sorting outside the nodes can be done by grouping ? - Grouping automatically moves the childrows together with the rows containing the nodes ?

When nodes are used, sorting is done in the scope of nodes.
With grouping the typical scenario with sorting to sort on main level is: