TAdvListView checkbox

I am using C++ Builder Seattle.  I have a TAdvListView with checkboxes.  To check or uncheck a checkbox, I have to double click on the checkbox.  I want to be able to single click like a normal TListView. Is there a property for this?


I have retested this here with a default TAdvListView on the form initialized with the code:

  advlistview1.ViewStyle := vsREport;
  advlistview1.Items.Add.Caption := 'Item 0';
  advlistview1.Items.Add.Caption := 'Item 1';
  advlistview1.Items.Add.Caption := 'Item 2';
  AdvListView1.Checkboxes := true;

and i cannot see such behavior here. The listview checkbox reacts on the first click.

I've made up a simple example that shows the behavior.  Perhaps I have one of the properties set incorrectly, but I don't see anything that stops a single click from selecting a checkbox.

Here is a my source code for C++ Builder (I am using Seattle)


The example just puts 3 items in the TAdvListView, and then to check the checkbox it requires a double click.

Thanks for helping!

This issue was related to setting AllowSelection = false.
We've implemented a fix for this particular case. Next update will have this fix.