swagger cannot document method paramters that has [httppost] attribute

It looks as if I cannot document parameters of those [httppost] attributed methods. If I change to [httpget] parameters are documented correcly in swagger.

If you are referring to parameters that are objects, that it's a Swagger limitation since those parameters are added to Swagger as $ref and their descriptions are ignored.

But for non-object parameters, it should work fine, for example:

  IArithmeticService = interface(IInvokable)

    /// <summary>
    ///   This is internal documentation for the Add method. It will be used by Delphi (code insight)
    ///   and other documentation tools. It's not used for swagger because we are using
    ///   the "swagger" tag for the summary
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="A">
    ///   Description for A parameter. Only method documentation, doesn't appear in Swagger.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="B">
    ///   Description for B parameter. Only method documentation, doesn't appear in Swagger.
    /// </param>
    /// <swagger>
    ///   Adds one number to the other
    /// </swagger>
    /// <swagger name="param-A">
    ///   The first value to be added
    /// </swagger>
    /// <swagger name="param-B">
    ///   Second value to be added
    /// </swagger>
    /// <swagger name="remarks">
    /// This operation returns the sum of A and B parameters.
    /// - If both values are **zero**, then the result is **0**.
    /// Example:
    ///     GET /math/add?A=2&#65286;B=4
    /// You can use both *integer* and *floating-point* numbers.
    /// </swagger>
    [HttpPost] function Add(A, B: Double): Double;

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