Summary of classes and methods in the ap


My entreprise is currently working with the Scripter and we made a summary of the library class in the ap thanks to this piece of code : 

for (int i = 0; i < atLibraryList->Count - 1; i++) {
        AnsiString root = atLibraryList->Items->LibraryClass->UnitName();

To complete the functionnality, we want to have methods linked to the classes but I did not succeed to do it.

I check the documentation but I did not find a section talking about that.

I think I have to use these methods :
atLibraryList->Items->LibraryClass->MethodAddress( const ShortString &)
atLibraryList->Items->LibraryClass->MethodName(void *)
But after looking at the source code I did not arrive to understand how it works.

Not sure what you are trying to achieve? The list of registered classes and its methods and properties? If yes, we are building a new scripter release with a library browser for this purpose, so you could get this new version when it arrives.