Subpressing Countries

How is it possible to subpress countries and/or other texts on map texts, both in Google Maps Maps and satellite views.


Setting the map to satellite view will automatically remove the text labels:

TMSFNCGoogleMaps1.Options.MapTypeID := gmtSatellite;

There is currently no built-in functionality available to remove text labels in the default map view, but you can remove them manually by assigning the following MapStyle:

  TMSFNCGoogleMaps1.Options.MapStyle :=
'  {'+
'    "elementType": "labels",'+
'    "stylers": ['+
'      {'+
'        "visibility": "off"'+
'      }'+
'    ]'+
'  },'+
'  {'+
'    "featureType": "administrative.land_parcel",'+
'    "stylers": ['+
'      {'+
'        "visibility": "off"'+
'      }'+
'    ]'+
'  },'+
'  {'+
'    "featureType": "administrative.neighborhood",'+
'    "stylers": ['+
'      {'+
'        "visibility": "off"'+
'      }'+
'    ]'+
'  }'+