SQLite unknown tokenizer: mozporter

I'm writing a utiity to access a Thunderbird global-messages-db.sqlite database. I can open it successfully using the SQLite DB Browser, but when I attempt to open the same file using Aurelius, I get a SQLite exception "unknown tokenizer: mozporter pragma table_info("conversationsText")".
The code concerned is:

  fConnection := TSQLiteNativeConnectionAdapter.Create(fDBName);
  result := fConnection.IsConnected;

where fConnection is an IDBConnection and fDBName is a full path to a SQLite DB.

Is there any clue you can give me to successfully open this DB please?


I don't know the exact reason, but if you are opening the database just to read data, and not create/change tables or columns, you don't need the TDatabaseManager.Update call. Just use:

   fConnection := TSQLiteNativeConnectionAdapter.Create(fDBName);
  result := fConnection.IsConnected;

That works! Thank you!

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