Out of ranger error on mouse move


I've been getting out of range errors after clearing a ResponsiveList then moving the mouse over it.  To get round it I have made the following change:

procedure TTMSFNCResponsiveList.MouseMoveN({%H-}Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
....line 1941

    if FHoverIndex <> -1 then
      if Items.Count > FHoverIndex then  // added SS

... there's more involved than my quick hack.  Still getting out of range errors but now when i select an item after clearing the list and filling it again.  Let me know if you need more information.  I'm sure I can do a little sample app to demonstrate the problem.

I cannot reproduce this. Do you use the latest version of the component?

If so, can you please provide more details as it is not clear what exactly you do. When you say : "I select an item after clearing the list and filling it again" ... how do you select it? With mouse, programmatically, keyboard?