Login outlook.com and microsoft.com

Can you please make sure the values assigned to the App.Key and App.Secret properties are identical to the values that are displayed on https://apps.dev.microsoft.com/ ?

Can you also make sure that a valid Redirect URI has been assigned for the Web platform and that this value is assigned to the App.CallBackURL property?

Hmmm ...
I've used my Test-Account for Microsort and have this errors, described above.
Now, I can login with the Microsoft-account (I were not able to log in with it for the last weeks, really!). And so I'm now able to create an new App-Enviroment, which I can work with.
Thanks for your time! For now I can go ahead!
I hope that's enougth problems with this for now.

Remember to change the help-page "http://www.tmssoftware.com/site/cloudkey.asp"
so there is "https://apps.dev.microsoft.com/" and NOT "https://apps-dev.dev.microsoft.com/" which doesn't work properly.

Greetings from Papenburg, Germany
 Gabriele Hillebrandt

It seems that the developer page and the authentication process have indeed been improved.
Hopefully these issues have now been resolved.
Unfortunately the incorrect behavior was out of our control.

The help page (http://www.tmssoftware.com/site/cloudkey.asphas already been updated.


I hope this help and from now on everyone can use it much easier! ;-)


Greetings from Papenburg, Germany
 Gabriele Hillebrandt