Is there an easy way to clear a lookup field in DBAdvGrid ?


Consider a TDBAdvGrid that displays the content of a dataset with lookup fields from other datasets. In the underlying database the relation is "nullable", so the lookup field can be blank.

The default ComboBoxList that is displayed to edit these fields do not include a blank value. Is there an easy way to add it or another easy way to clear these "non required" lookup fields ?


Pierre Yager

I have a patch for DBAdvGrid.pas that adds an AllowBlank property to TDBGridColumnItem, if the underlying TField is not "Required" and "AllowBlank" is true, en empty line is prepended to the lookup list.

When this empty item is selected, the field is cleared instead of beeing assigned to the lookup key value.

Do you want to integrate this patch ?

It can be interesting to study this suggested patch and see if we can integrate this into the release.