Insert record on M/D with datasetfield

any news for me ?

We need to allocate time to investigate this.

You can set the "master" record by using the @xdata.ref notation. This is what you could use:

procedure TfrmMain.wdD1NewRecord(DataSet: TDataSet);
  TJSObject(wdD1.CurrentData)['ID_MAS@xdata.ref'] :=
    Format('MASTER_TABLE(%d)', [TJSObject(wdM.CurrentData)['ID_MAS']]);
  wdD1.FieldByName('ID_Det1').AsInteger := 22;
  wdD1.FieldByName('DET_2_TABLE').Value :=;

Also, if you have a detail referencing the master, you should not have this:

  [Id('FID_MAS', TIdGenerator.None)]
  [Id('FID_DET1', TIdGenerator.None)]
  TDET_1_TABLE = class
    [Column('ID_MAS', [TColumnProp.Required])]
    FID_MAS: Integer;

    [Column('ID_DET1', [TColumnProp.Required])]
    FID_DET1: Integer;

but instead, you should have this:

  [Id('FID_MAS', TIdGenerator.None)]
  [Id('FID_DET1', TIdGenerator.None)]
  TDET_1_TABLE = class
    [Association([TAssociationProp.Lazy], CascadeTypeAllButRemove)]
    [JoinColumn('ID_MAS', [TColumnProp.Required])]

    [Column('ID_DET1', [TColumnProp.Required])]
    FID_DET1: Integer;

and then in master table you must join the two sides of association:

    [ManyValuedAssociation([TAssociationProp.Lazy], CascadeTypeAllRemoveOrphan, ‘FID_MAS')]
    FDET_1_TABLE: Proxy<TList<TDET_1_TABLE>>;

Hi wagner, thank you very much for help, now go better : i can insert records in detail table but not in master table. How can do it ? Thx

Solved !! with

procedure TfrmMain.wdMNewRecord(DataSet: TDataSet);
DataSet.FieldByName('DET_1_TABLE').Value :=;

Thank you

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Hi wagner

When i have a ID_MAS you show me to use :

TJSObject(wdD1.CurrentData)['ID_MAS@xdata.ref'] :=
Format('MASTER_TABLE(%d)', [TJSObject(wdM.CurrentData)['ID_MAS']]);

But when master is a new record with ID_MAS not assigned what can i assign on detail table ?


The test project you sent us saves the detail immediately. If you want to keep it that way, your UI then must be sure master is saved before saving the children.

Hi in the test i sent you i can't delete detail records .
if i do : wdD1.Delete; wdD1.ApplyUpdates();
record is not deleted from DB ! there is any settings in entity structure on the server side ?


Hi wagner i sent you a mail with my sample test updated. Bye

Hi, any news for me ? i'm freezed :( (1.8 MB)

Hi wagner

Attached an updated my sample test (file is .rar) with your suggested modifications. Now I have a problem to delete or modify detail records : if I do this I have a error attached. There is a entity structure problem ?

Another simple thing : how can I known if there are updates to apply in TXDataWebDataSet ? if I use

If wdD1.Modified Then

Go fine ?

I hope in your help ! BYE

Hi i now i updated my TMSWebCoreSetupWrapper to last version and i have another error :slight_smile:

Now i'm very desperate !!!

Sorry for the delay. We had to adjust several items. Here is the updated project that performs the CRUD operations. We modified the approach to use a normal object for the ID_MAS reference. (89.9 KB)

Hi on the detail table now i have a Identity field (auto inc) and i changed
[Id('FID_DET1', TIdGenerator.None)] to [Id('FID_DET1', TIdGenerator.IdentityOrSequence)] BUT when i insert a record now (in client) i have an error : Cannot insert explicit value for identity column in table 'DET_1_TABLE' when IDENTITY_INSERT is set to OFF.

How can solve it ?

This is a limitation of the database. If you have turned on Identity generator, why are you manually providing an id value in the field? Either keep it None and set the value yourself, or make it Identity and do not set a value in the id field.

Sorry for the incomplete information, but really i use MS SQL server where i have on detail table the PK like this :

Yes, what I said remains true.

ok but i keep it an idenity and i not set a value to it BUT i ve this error when record is applied. i must change something to an entities structure ?

If you are getting such message, then you are providing the ID value manually, otherwise the database would not complain that you are trying to set the identity value explicitly.