Grid-Selection vs. VCL-Style

How can i disable the styling of the selected cell/row/range by the choosen VCL-Style.
Setting Stylehooks on the Grid itself, works for the grid but has no influence on the selected area!

Do I understand correct that you want to use our grid in an app with VCL styles used but do not want to have VCL style colors as selection colors?

If so, there is currently not a setting for this. When VCL styles are used, it is assumed the grid should be displayed with selection colors consistent with the chosen VCL styles. If for some reason you do not want this, we'll need to add an extra option to disable this.

Yes! My problem is, that i use different colors for special cell-contents. When selecting a row the selection color is used for every cell. The user can not see the original colors. I want only a frame arround the selected areas. Without Styles this is possible! Would be great if you could realize this option!!!

We took a note of this and will consider it for a future update.