Getting the new row's ID after InsertChildRow

I am building a report in the AdvStringGrid, I run a query on an events table to generate the top level nodes, these provide tick ranges for the alloc table and free table queries.

The alloc and free query results are used to add child nodes to the top level event nodes. When I call InsertChildRow(), I need to know the row id of the newly added node.

    if dmApp.ReportQuery.IsQuery then
        //Add row
        //FGrid.AddNode(AbsoluteIndex, 1);
        s := FGrid.Row;   //This does not get the new row's id
        FGrid.Cells[ALLOC_EVENT_R//EPORT_COL_EVENT, s]   := 'Alloc';
        FGrid.Cells[ALLOC_EVENT_REPORT_COL_ADDRESS, s] := dmApp.ReportQuery.FieldByName('Address').AsString;
        FGrid.Ints[ALLOC_EVENT_REPORT_COL_TICKSCNT, s] := dmApp.ReportQuery.FieldByName('TicksCnt').AsInteger;
        FGrid.Ints[ALLOC_EVENT_REPORT_COL_TASK_NUM, s] := dmApp.ReportQuery.FieldByName('Tasknum').AsInteger;

grid.Row indicates the active row, i.e. the row where the focused cell is.
Calling grid.InsertChildRow() will not move the focused cell. As you do InsertChildRow at AbsoluteIndex, I would think the row you want to refer to is AbsoluteIndex + 1?