Does TXdataClient support streams out of box

I have service interface method declared like this
IPriceInterfaces = interface( IInvokable)
function updateprices(xlsx: TStream):TInterfaceresult;
My server side code works nicely (tested with postman)

Should TXdataClient support this ?
Looks like it doesn't .

lPriceMethod := xClient.Service;
ms := TMemoryStream.Create;
r := lPriceMethod.updateprices(ms);

It should.
What is the error you are getting?

Maybe you need to set

ms.Position := 0;

before calling the service?

It was complaining about content-type, it was not provided. Then I added that, It complained about "Boundary not specified in multipart header"

Actually first error was "invalid mediatype, expected multipart/*, actual "
And I had position:=0 .. removed it with some other code.

I'm not sure how is your service implementation? Are you treating the stream as multipart content?