Canonical IDs references vs proxy references

I'm using XData with a legacy database where almost all tables have compound primary keys, so most of them are not modeled with unique id fields, and some associations do not encapsule/hide all foreign-key fields.

Is there a way to force some references to show as canonical id references i/o proxy references?

It generates:

"Cuenta@xdata.proxy": "Operacion(1%2C1%2C1%2C0%2C1000157%2C130%2C201%2C44317%2C0)/Cuenta",
"Sucursal@xdata.proxy": "Operacion(1%2C1%2C1%2C0%2C1000157%2C130%2C201%2C44317%2C0)/Sucursal",
"Estado@xdata.proxy": "Operacion(1%2C1%2C1%2C0%2C1000157%2C130%2C201%2C44317%2C0)/Estado",
"Moneda@xdata.proxy": "Operacion(1%2C1%2C1%2C0%2C1000157%2C130%2C201%2C44317%2C0)/Moneda",

none of them are manyvalued associations, and I believe it could simply be:

"Cuenta@xdata.ref": "Cuenta(1%2C1000157)",
"Sucursal@xdata.ref": "Sucursal(1%2C1)",
"Estado@xdata.ref": "Estado(0)",
"Moneda@xdata.ref": "Moneda(1),

It seems like it's generating canonical id references only when the associated entity field is part of the child table ID, as for this table:

"TipoDocumento@xdata.ref": "TipoDocumento(1)",
  "Pais@xdata.ref": "Pais(586)",
  "PersonaFisica@xdata.proxy": "Persona(586%2C1%2C'663551')/PersonaFisica",

None of them are manyvalued associations, the only difference is that TipoDocumento & Pais are part of Persona IDs list.

It generates proxy references simply because the proxy is not loaded, thus for performance purposes.
The client can ask for references by expanding the value using the $expand filter option.

In this specific case, it's a service response object, a custom class which one of it's fields is an Aurelius entity object. How could I force references? Accesing the associated entities before filling the result object would be enough?

Yes! It does the job ! (and takes some miliseconds more)



"Cuenta@xdata.ref": "Cuenta(1%2C1067081)",
"Sucursal@xdata.ref": "Sucursal(1%2C1)",
"Moneda@xdata.ref": "Moneda(1)",
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That's a pretty valid one approach. You have other options as well, as described here:

By using expand-level and/or FetchEager, the associated objects will be loaded and it'll take the same additional time, right?
I don't know if there are further technical reasons that cannot allow us to make a brute force request to generate xdata.refs in some cases at our own risk in benefit of both sides performance. I posted a feature request about it.

No, in the case Aurelius will mostly add a JOIN to the SQL and single-valued associations will be loaded in a single SQL statement.

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