In my grid I am using bands of four lines to show different "rooms". However, the fixed cells in teh left colium all remain the same colour. I would like to have them affected by the bands also, but I cannot seem to get it to work. My current solution is this
MainGrid.CellProperties[0,j].BrushColorto := clskyblue;
MainGrid.CellProperties[0,j].BrushColor := clwhite;
Which is almost what I need, however, the other cells have a mirrored effect which I like but can't seem to emulate.
Any help greatly appreciated.
You can use the event
OnGetCellGradient, for example:
procedure TForm3.AdvStringGrid1GetCellGradient(Sender: TObject; ARow,
ACol: Integer; var Color, ColorTo, ColorMirror, ColorMirrorTo: TColor;
var GD: TCellGradientDirection);
Color := clwhite;
ColorTo := clskyblue;
ColorMirror := clskyblue;
ColorMirrorTo := clwhite;
Cheers, thanks very much that was exactly what I was hoping for.