Autolookup does not disable on FNCTableView


Today I installed latest version with this improvement, however still slowly compared with my own filtering routine based on your own functions.

Video above show you the performance using your built in filtering againts mine

I think you need to check again the performance specially on Android, I saw you improvement working fine only on Windows.

On the video recorded you can see that when I use your built in filtering you can see the next troubles:

  1. When I press the FILTER button takes sometime to appear the edit below the FNCTableview header
  2. When user start typing there is small delay on the keyboard that you can see, this is caused because your are firing the filtering routine too early, so I assume Android stopTyping event is different than Window
  3. When I delete backwards character by character once again there are some delay
  4. When I press the "DONE" button named OCULTAR on my video there are some delay too

As you can see on my video my personal filtering routine add a center popupwindow alerting my user that he needs to wait, so gives no impresion that the App is freeze or hangs.

I asked you in another thread how to obtain the number of items located once I filtered some data, this is to inform my user the number of record located.