Aurelius error Uni.pas missing

I installed the trial version of the Aurelius components.
I have MySQL as the database engine.
For the connection to the MySQL database I use the DevArt MyDAC components.

The AureliusConnection automatically recognised the TMyConnection as UniDAC.
When I try to run the application I get a compilation error:


[dcc64 Fatal Error] Aurelius.Drivers.UniDac.pas(62): F2613 Unit 'Uni' not found.


PS. I had to choose this category because the site wouldn't let me choose something more appropriate.

Uni is a unit from UniDAC. You must be sure UniDAC is properly installed in your machine. MyDAC is not UniDAC, it's not officially supported by Aurelius, but here is an unofficial driver for MyDAC you can try to use:

Aurelius.Drivers.MyDac.pas (5.4 KB)