Active connection username?

Is there a way to read the username of the active connection?

Thank you!


Assuming you are referring to the TTMSFMXCloudOneDrive component:
You can use the GetAccountInfo call to retrieve the username of the currently authenticated account.
The retrieved value is assigned to the Info.UserName property.

Actually i use this 4 clouds: TMSFMXCloudDropBox1, TMSFMXCloudGDrive1, TMSFMXCloudSkyDrive1, TMSFMXCloudYandexDisk1

I just tested and first 3 work ok (thank's), but for Yandex not work...

For Yandex is not possible to get active username ?

This is indeed currently not supported for Yandex.
This is a limitation of the Yandex API where we have no control over.


Thank you!